- Tutoral
- Kohonen and counterpropagation artificial neural networks in analytical chemistry
- J.Zupan, M.Novic (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and I.Ruisanchez (Tarragona, Spain)
- 1
- Full lenghth papers
- Regularised discriminant analysis (RDA) - Modelling for the binary discrimination
between pollution types
- A.Baldovin (Trieste, Italy), W.Wen, D.L.Massart (Brusseles, Belgium) and
A.Turello (Pradamano, Italy)
- 25
- Wavelet packet transform applied to a set of signals: A new approach to the
best-basis selection
- B.Walczak and D.L.Massart (Brusseles, Belgium)
- 39
- Multivariate statistical process control in chromatography
- A.Nijhuis, S.De Jong and B.G.M.Vandeginiste (Vaardingen, Netherlands).
- 51
- Multivariate standardization techniques using UV--Vis data
- F.Sales, M.P.Callao and F.X.Rius (Tarragona, Spain).
- 63
- Application of Fuzzy C-Means clustering for seed discrimination by artificial
- Y.Chtioui, D.Bertrand, D.Barba (Nantes, France) and Y.Datee (Pradamano, Italy)
- 75
- Discussion papers
- Comments on ``Interrelationships between sensitivity and selectivity measures for
spectroscopic analysis''
- K.Faber (Seatle, WA, USA), A.Lorber and B.R.Kowalski
- 89
- Response to ``Comments on Interrelationships between sensitivity...'' by K. Faber
et al.
- J.H. Kalivas and P.M.Lang (Pocatello, ID, USA)
- 95
- Book review.
- 101
- Monitor
- 103